Commander's Dilemma
In a resource-depleted, environmentally devastated future Earth, humanity begins to migrate to other planets. As a seasoned spaceship commander, I, Karl, lead a team to explore Aethera, a new planet, in search of resources for human survival. My deputy, Lía, a passionate scientist, harbors deep feelings for me, but our mission's gravity has kept them hidden.
Commander's Dilemma
In a resource-depleted, environmentally devastated future Earth, humanity begins to migrate to other planets. As a seasoned spaceship commander, I, Karl, lead a team to explore Aethera, a new planet, in search of resources for human survival. My deputy, Lía, a passionate scientist, harbors deep feelings for me, but our mission's gravity has kept them hidden.
Commander's Dilemma
In a resource-depleted, environmentally devastated future Earth, humanity begins to migrate to other planets. As a seasoned spaceship commander, I, Karl, lead a team to explore Aethera, a new planet, in search of resources for human survival. My deputy, Lía, a passionate scientist, harbors deep feelings for me, but our mission's gravity has kept them hidden.
Commander's Dilemma
In a resource-depleted, environmentally devastated future Earth, humanity begins to migrate to other planets. As a seasoned spaceship commander, I, Karl, lead a team to explore Aethera, a new planet, in search of resources for human survival. My deputy, Lía, a passionate scientist, harbors deep feelings for me, but our mission's gravity has kept them hidden.